Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Research, Benefits and Cautions.

Vitamin B-1, otherwise known as thiamine, is necessary for most every cellular reaction in the body as a participant in an enzyme system known as thiamin pyrophosphate. It is vital to normal functioning of the nervous system and metabolism. It can be found in meat, whole grains, fish, and nuts.

How This Vitamin Works in Your Body:
Maintains health of mucous membranes
Keeps normal workings of nervous system, heart, and muscles
Helps treat herpes zoster and beriberi
Supports normal growth and development
Restores deficiencies caused by alcoholism, cirrhosis, overactive thyroid, infection, breastfeeding, absorption diseases, pregnancy, prolonged diarrhea, and burns
Reduction of depression, fatigue, and motion sickness
Potential improvement in appetite and mental alertness

The Following May Benefit from this Vitamin:
Alcohol or other substance abusers by accelerating metabolism
Those with poor nutritional dietary intake
Age greater than 55 years old
Women who are breastfeeding or pregnant
Recent surgery patients
Those with liver disease, overactive thyroid, or prolonged diarrhea

Where This Vitamin is Found:
Baked Potato
Beef kidney/liver
Brewer's yeast
Flour; rye and whole grain
Garbanzo beans (chickpeas), dried
Kidney beans, dried
Navy beans, dried
Orange juice
Rice, brown and raw
Wheat germ
Whole-grain products

How to Use:
Available as:
Liquid: the best form due to its high bioavailability and fast absorption. Always choose liquid as your first choice when supplementing your diet.

Tablets: available

Recommended Daily Intakes
Men: 1.2 mg
Women: 1.1 mg
Pregnancy: 1.4 mg
Lactation: 1.5 mg

Consult your doctor if you have:
Liver or kidney disease.

Over 55:
Not overly necessary.

Keep doses within DRI.

Keep doses within DRI.

Out of direct light and away from children in a cool, dry place. Heat/moisture may change effectiveness.

Symptoms of Deficiency:
Symptoms include fatigue, depression, decreased mental functioning, muscle cramps, nausea, heart enlargement, and eventually beriberi. Alcoholics are at increased risk of a deficiency.

Signs of Overdose:
Hypersensitive reactions resembling anaphylactic shock

Side Effects:
Reaction or effect: What to do:
Skin rash/itch Discontinue. Consult doctor immediately.
Swelling of face Discontinue. Consult doctor immediately.
Wheezing Obtain emergency treatment immediately.


Interacts with: Combined effect:
Antibiotics: Decreases thiamine levels
Muscle relaxers during surgery: Excessive muscle relaxation.
Oral contraceptives: Decreases thiamine levels
Werknickes encephalopathy treatment: Before taking glucose, take thiamine.


Quality Liquid MultiVitamin, Mineral and Whole Food Extract Formula

Liquid Multivitamin Product Review and Comparison Center