Vitamin D

Thyroid Removal.

Clinical Study Title:
Is routine supplementation therapy (calcium and vitamin D) useful after total thyroidectomy?

Plain English Summary:
This study looked at the use of a calcium- vitamin D supplement to help reduce adverse symptoms after a thyroid removal. A total of 79 participants who had had their thyroid completely removed. Participants were given either a combination of calcium-vitamin D treatments or no treatment. Both the use of calcium and vitamin D helped to control adverse reactions after surgery. Additionally, using them together may further reduce reactions and may help to aid in healing.
Bellantone R. Lombardi CP. Raffaelli M. Boscherini M. Alesina PF. De Crea C. Traini E. Princi P.
Division of Endocrine Surgery, Department of Surgery,
Country of Publication
United States
Surgery. 132(6):1109-12; discussion 1112-3, 2002 Dec.

Quality Liquid MultiVitamin, Mineral and Whole Food Extract Formula

Liquid Multivitamin Product Review and Comparison Center