Vitamin B12

Heart Surgery Recovery.

Clinical Study Title:
Decreased rate of coronary restenosis after lowering of plasma homocysteine levels.

Plain English Summary:
This study looked at the use of a b-vitamin supplement complex including folate, b12 and b6 on the restenosis after a coronary angioplasty. A total of 205 participants were given either the b-vitamin complex or a placebo daily for a total of 6 months past surgery. The participants who were taking the b-vitamin complex had a slower rate of resenosis post surgery, and also cut down on post operative additional surgeries. This is a cost effective adjunctive treatment to coronary angioplasty. The use of the vitamin b12, b6 and folate supplements aids in recovery after heart surgery.
Schnyder G. Roffi M. Pin R. Flammer Y. Lange H. Eberli FR. Meier B. Turi ZG. Hess OM.
Division of Cardiology, Swiss Cardiovascular Center Bern, University Hospital.
Country of Publication
United States
New England Journal of Medicine. 345(22):1593-600, 2001 Nov 29.

Quality Liquid MultiVitamin, Mineral and Whole Food Extract Formula

Liquid Multivitamin Product Review and Comparison Center