Vitamin C

Heart Failure.

Clinical Study Title:
Randomized, prospective trial of antioxidant supplementation in critically ill surgical patients.

Plain English Summary:
In this study, the early use of a vitamin supplement of vitamin C and alpha-tocopherol was examined to see how it affects the morbidity rate due to heart failure among already ill persons. A total of 595 patients were examined in this study. Those patients who were given daily supplements of vitamin C and alpha-tocopherol were found to be less likely to die from heart failure and organ failure than patients not receiving the supplements. This suggests that in already ill patients, the use of vitamin C and alpha-tocopherol can provide added protection against system failure of the body, and can help to reduce risk of heart failure.
Nathens AB. Neff MJ. Jurkovich GJ. Klotz P. Farver K. Ruzinski JT. Radella F. Garcia I. Maier RV.
Division of Trauma and General Surgery, Harborview Medical Center and the Department of Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Country of Publication
United States
Annals of Surgery. 236(6):814-22, 2002 Dec.

Quality Liquid MultiVitamin, Mineral and Whole Food Extract Formula

Liquid Multivitamin Product Review and Comparison Center