Vitamin E

DNA Breakage.

Clinical Study Title:
Assessment of DNA strand breakage by the alkaline COMET assay in dialysis patients and the role of Vitamin E supplementation.

Plain English Summary:
Many patients who have chronic renal failure are treated with regular dialysis. Many of these patients become uremic during treatment, and there is some evidence that oxidative stress is related to this condition. This study looked at the use of multivitamins in this condition. A total of 36 participants who were currently being treated with dialysis were given vitamin E supplements daily for 2 weeks. The vitamin E was found to have a protective effect against DNA breakage. This suggests that vitamin E supplements may be able to help protect against some of the complications of dialysis.
Kan E. Unde?er U. Bali M. Ba?aran N.
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Country of Publication
Mutation Research. 520(1-2):151-9, 2002 Sep 26.

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